
Posted: 9th September 2010 by ed in Blogs, Ed
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There was no podcast last night. I decided to take in The Airborne Toxic Event in Somerville and I regret nothing! That band gets better every time and this small setting was amazing. Jim has no ambition and decided he couldn’t do the show without me. Begley had to work for The Man and Charlie clearly doesn’t care about this anymore. We should be back next week.

For now enjoy this performance by ATE from one of their many visits to The Sandbox.

And here is a classic moment from The Sandbox.

  1. traci-ann says:

    agreed- last night was their best performance. only complaint, it could have been longer.

  2. J-man says:

    LOVE AIRBORNE TOXIC EVENT!!!!!! saw them at the ames hotel and they played a buncha new stuff…did the play any new stuff this time?

  3. ko says:

    i used to like ATE, and then one of my friends told me that the singer sounds like Jason Segal singing that hilarious Dracula song in “Forgetting Sarah Marshall”…and he’s kind of right. ruined the band for me.