A few things happen to most of us in High School. Awkwardness, puberty, a propensity to write bad poetry in an attempt to be “deep” and breaking away from Top 40 to find your own music. I would wager that “Blister in the Sun” was the first song I heard from them but it really isn’t my favorite. I find it to be more of a novelty than anything.
The Fems will always remind my of my sophomore year, riding in my pal Larry’s beat up old Beetle and just being a kid.
Please Do Not Go – A heartfelt, yet slightly wacky, plea to someone whose interests lie elsewhere. Perfect for an awkward teen.
American Music – Hands down my favorite Fems song. Every time I hear this song I hear it I have to break out into the special dance I made just for it.
Held Her In My Arms – Just another love song from the Fems.
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