A-Z, 1-2-3: ZZ Top

Posted: 19th January 2011 by ed in Blogs, Ed
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” Who are these old geezers?”  Shame on you if that was your reaction when you first gazed upon that image to the left.  Theses guys from Texas have been rocking longer than most of us have been alive.  Not to mention they have some sweet beards.  Well, except for the guy whose last name is Beard but, whatever.

These guys are rock n roll, no question.  If I could be half as cool I would be 100 times cooler than I am now.

Legs – One of the first, if not the first, songs I heard from the band.  Not only was it an awesome tune but it also made for a great video that was in heavy rotation on MTV.  It helped that said video had hot chicks.  8-year-old me might have had some sort of awakening while viewing this.

Beer Drinkers & Hell Raisers and Waitin’ For The Bus/Jesus Just Left Chicago – Two classics (3 actually) off of the amazing Tres Hombres. Just listen to the guitar work!

  1. Jon says:

    I’m pretty sure everyone reading this was born after 1885…