The Empire Podcast 11/10/10

Posted: 11th November 2010 by ed in Begley, Big Jim, Doug, Ed, Podcasts

This week Ed has to suffer through the idiocy if Jim, Doug and Begely when it comes to Happy Meals. We also hit on cell phone dependence and Jim relays tell a wonderful story about Craigslist. Download it, listen here or subscribe to the RSS/iTunes feed!

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ed Oliveira, The_Empire. The_Empire said: New podscast! […]

  2. Tinkerbell says:

    “Elbows” Elbe has a nice ring to it : ).

  3. James says:

    where is big jims band intro blog?

  4. Chupacabra says:

    That was a great podcast! Really great selection of talent. If I could I would rather listen to that on my way into work than stupid anything else out there.

  5. McDonald's is crap says:

    Libertarian American Ed should go live in the late 19th century when the “Big, Bad Gubbermint” stayed out of people’s lives…and life sucked for most people.

  6. Ed says:

    One has nothing to do with the other asshat. Sorry that you are such a retard that you need the Gov’t to tell you how to get through the day. Next time you are wondering if you should cross the street while traffic is coming don’t think, just step in front of the biggest truck you can find.

  7. Wait Wait Wait says:

    … you mean there’s absolutely NO fakery on your show?

  8. Dan Ziniti says:

    LOL- Throughout Big Jim’s story, I kept thinking “He’s gon’ get raped.”

  9. Ed says:

    @WWW – I can’t think of anything we fake. Over-exaggerate? Over-react? Sure, but we are pretty honest.

  10. mike says:

    LOL yeah jims stories are the best. haha seriously. and then american ed’s comments are hilarious.

  11. McDonalds is crap says:


    p.s. I don’t have a fatty liver…somebody needs to tell you how to get through the day cuz you’re headed for lipitor city my friend…of course medicare will pay for it, out of my taxes.

  12. Dan Ziniti says:

    Finished listening on my way home tonight. Great show. It really has me missing the Sandbox and Big Jim on the radio.

  13. Ed says:

    Oh, YOUR taxes! I forgot you are the only one who pays them. Once you pay them it is no longer your money. You elect people to determine where that money goes so don’t try that “I pay your salary” bullshit on me, it doesn’t fly. I didn’t create taxes, medicare or any of it but I contribute to it. Wait until the Gov’t moves on from fatty food to caffeine. Then how will you get your Grande Mocha-chino Latte?

    You as a troll = fail. Makes some sense and I might discuss it on the show.

  14. McDonald's is crap says:

    I don’t drink coffee. Or drink, smoke, or do drugs. Hate on that (and I’m sure you will).

    You may not have created taxes, medicare and all the rest but you’re creating your own diminished life expectancy with your crappy lifestyle choices. 20 years from now when you’re desperately staving off the reaper, do it on your own dime.

    Topic #1 on your show this week needs to be Mike Tierney getting the boot. I don’t believe this shit about being closer to his wife for one second.

  15. Under_Score says:

    You must be fun a parties McDonald’s is crap. I can understand not smoking or doing drugs and to an extent drinking. But no coffee? Ever heard of decaf? Or are you just not a fan of its taste?

  16. mike says:

    ah i miss jim and the sandbox. this show was awesome. too many good stories.

  17. mike says:

    “If i was in Arizona for that game that i won’t talk about, I would have killed everyone, I’d be in a jail in arizona” -big jim. hahahah oh man.

  18. Raine says:

    I don’t know if I am getting more cynical, or maybe just older but I agree with Ed more and more these days.