A-Z, 1-2-3: Live

Posted: 23rd November 2010 by ed in Blogs, Ed
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Everyone goes through phases as they grow up.  One day your favorite band is Def Leppard the next it might be Guns N Roses.  Then high school hits any everything changes.  Your body is going all wonky with hair appearing in new places and your desire for the Starscream is replaced with an insatiable urge to masturbate.  Most teenagers also begin to feel the need to be “deep” and “meaningful”.  Some joins bands. other write poems.  I decided to listen to “Alternative” music and smoke cigarettes.

Believe it or not Live did indeed start out as an alternative band, they even played on MTV’s 120 Minutes Tour.  They eventually became huge superstars, selling 8 million copis of Throwing Copper only to then fade into obscurity.  For one reason or another Live struck a chord with me and I became obsessed.  I had the EPs, the singles and the t-shirts.  I could tell you where the band was from (York, PA), how they got their name (it has to do with watching a breaking news story on TV) and if they are currently together or not (they aren’t).  Did I use “Beauty of Gray” as the subject of a high school poetry project?  yes, I did but I also used songs by Cracker, GnR and others.  I wasn’t very creative.

Live will always be with me for another, very big reason.  Not only was  Live my first concert but I got my first DUI while hanging out near the campus of James Madison Univeristy the night before the show.  Was I released the next morning in time to nap and attend the show? Damn right.

I will never apologize for liking Live.  They were great for a little while and then just lost it.  It happens.  But we shared some good, and bad, times and I will always remember them.

Operation Spirit (The Tyranny of Tradition) – This song comes from the band’s first full-length and I think it still stands up.  The band was obviously talented but still young and raw.  It kind of worked with the whole coming-of-age period I was going through.

White, Discussion – Just a great song.  So great that the band closed the show with it for a while.  For the true Live enthusiast be sure to pick up the Virtuosity soundtrack for a killer re-mix.

Lakini’s Juice – The first single from Secret Samadhi, the follow-up to the smash-hit Throwing Copper.  This single gave me hope that the band had been able to follow their big hit record with another great record.  Sadly, this was not to be.  Lakini’s Juice has a great guitar riff and is the only good song to come from Live for the rest of their career.  But that is just my opinion.

A-Z, 1-2-3: KMFDM

Posted: 22nd November 2010 by ed in Blogs, Ed
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It has been a hectic day and I am way behind on posting this so rather than mouth-off about why I like this band I am just going to get after it. If you really care to know just throw a comment in and I will reply there. Maybe I will go back and add details later but right now I just want to share the tunes.

A Drug Against War

Son Of A Gun

Juke Joint Jezebel

A-Z, 1-2-3: Jimmy Eat World

Posted: 19th November 2010 by ed in Blogs, Ed

I am going to be upfront about this; I was late to the Jimmy Eat World party.  Not extremely late mind you, but late enough that I can’t claim Static Prevails or Clarity as the record that made me fall in love with this band.  My first real exposure came with Bleed American in 2001.  Since I was the music director of my college radio station (WVCW!) I was lucky enough to get a promo EP (featuring “A Praise Chorus”, “Bleed American” and a demo of “Your House”) .  I was hooked immediately and while I waited for the full-length I made sure to scour file-sharing sites to get their back catalog.

After 9/11 the band chose to remove the title Bleed American and just referred to it as “Self-Titled”.  We were at war and I guess they got caught up in the sensitivity of that time.  Thankfully they restored the album to its proper title with the 2008 Deluxe Edition.

Do I think I am pretty cool because I have a signed copy of the original vinyl pressing framed in my home?  Yes,I do.

Lucky Denver Mint – This is one of the first older songs that I stole on the internet.  From the fantastic drum intro the chorus all the way to the drum outro I was hooked on this song from the first listen.  It sums up what Jimmy does best and that is write Pop gems.

Work – I often claim that this is a perfect song.  The best part if that Jim Adkins sings higher than guest vocalist Liz Phair.

Closer – From an EP that most people probably never heard comes on of Jimmy’s best songs.  Clocking in at 5:50 it is about 2 minutes longer than all of the band’s major hits.  It builds, it breathes and it has flanger.  What more can you ask for?

Last Christmas Since it is the holidays I figured I would leave you with the greatest Wham! cover ever.

A-Z, 1-2-3: Ike Reilly

Posted: 18th November 2010 by ed in Uncategorized

Sometimes you come across a CD without meaning to.  It just weasels its way into your life without invite or warning.  Ike Reilly’s Salesmen & Racists sneaked onto my desk while I was working in college radio and collected dust while I was busy listening to the self-titled New Found Glory disc.  Once I got around to it I was immediately hooked.  Reilly had been at it a long time when “Salesmen” came out, even taking a 9-year sabbatical from music to work as a hotel doorman and a cemetery worker.  He caught some critical acclaim with “Salesmen” and has been hanging around ever since.  Between his self-titled stuff and his work with The Assassination Ike has given those of us who like hard luck songs about life and booze plenty to listen to.

Hip-Hop Thighs #17 – What?  The title didn’t grab your attention?  Give it a listen and see if you don’t end up singing it later in the day.

The Boat Song (We’re Getting Loaded) – Did I mention Ike likes to write songs about drinking?  Did I also mention tat I like to listen to songs about drinking?  We are a match made in heaven.

I Will Let You Down – Did I mention Ike likes to write hard luck songs?  Did I also mention… you get the point.

The Empire Podcast 11/17/10

Posted: 18th November 2010 by ed in Big Jim, Ed, Podcasts

It is just Jim and ed this week as somehow we go from talking about the loss of Ed’s grandfather to the Sear Wish Book and the end of Terror in Lynn.

A-Z, 1-2-3: House of Pain

Posted: 17th November 2010 by ed in Blogs, Ed
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When I started this project I knew some letters would present certain challenges. The letters Q and Z were the first I expected to be hard to find artists for but I wasn’t anticipating having a hard time until the 2nd round of the alphabet at the earliest. This is not to say H was impossible, just that no band really jumped out and said “Pick Me!”

I had a few other acts on my short list but I decided to go with House of Pain to liven things up a little. This isn’t a blog series meant to document how cool my musical tastes are so there is no risk in me going less “hip”.

Jump Around – I certainly hope I don’t have to explain this one to anyone but just in case…  In 1992 3 Irish American guys from Boston burst on the scene with this hot single that was produced by Cypress Hill’s DJ Muggs and released by Tommy Boy Records.

Wait, it was actually 2 Irish-American kids born in NY who teamed up with a Latvian-American while in Los Angeles but whatever, you know this song.

Just Another Victim – This song comes off one of the best soundtracks of all time and is the best song from it.  HoP teams up with Helmet to drop a killer track that combines rap and rock in the right way.  The only better fusion is Public Enemy and Anthrax.

Legend – You can only find this song on the EP of the same name but I am pretty sure it was in some commercial somewhere along the way.  This song contains a dis at Kurt Cobain and kind of foretold of Everlast‘s future as Whitey Ford.

A-Z, 1-2-3: Girls Against Boys

Posted: 16th November 2010 by ed in Blogs, Ed

Thanks to Wikipedia I was able to track down the exact date of my first exposure to GvsB.  It was June 1st, 1996 at RFK Stadium in Washington D.C t the HFStival.  The HFStival was an annual concert put on by legendary alternative radio station WHFS.  While the main stage featured Foo Fighters, Goldfinger, Cracker and Everclear GvsB were relegated to the 2nd stage outside of RFK.  I am not sure why I ended up at the 2nd stage because bands like Gravity Kills, Jimmie’s Chicken Shack and my future PD at FNX were scheduled there.  My pal Larry and I must have been wandering around or we were ignoring Jewel on the main stage.  I am not too sure how far into GvsB’s set it was when we showed up but I was immediately drawn to them for one reason: DOUBLE BASS!  One of my favorite bands of the time (and even now) was Ned’s Atomic Dustbin who also used to bassists.  This certainly bought GvsB some time to get me more interested in them.

I eventually went out and picked up House of GvsB and popped it in my cd player.  It did not leave for weeks.  The combination of the double bass attack, danceable yet cool beats and the smokey, whiskey-cured voice of front-man Scott McCloud was right up my alley.  I stand by my assertion that it is “cool” music to make out to.  McCloud’s voice is aural sex in my opinion.  I wish I had a voice that awesome.  AND his name is McCloud!  He sounds like he is from Highlander!  Please enjoy my 3 favorite songs from GvsB.

Crash 17 (X-Rated Car) The first 25 seconds illustrate my aforementioned point about McCloud’s voice and then the double bass kicks in and it makes me want to wreck shit.

Park Avenue This was the single from the band’s major label debut on Geffen.  For one reason or another the fans weren’t too into and those who didn’t know the band didn’t care to pick up the disc.  Fine with me as it meant I still had them to myself.

Kicking The Lights After leaving Geffen GvsB ended up putting out their last record on Jade Tree.  I say last but the band started touring again last year.  While no new material is planned you can get all wet to McCloud’s voice with his current project Paramount Styles, a kind of acoustic GvsB.

Here is the promised audio clip.   Too bad Jim couldn’t do it himself because he is a complete idiot.


The Big Stall Rules

Posted: 15th November 2010 by Doug in Blogs, Doug

I would never…and I mean never…park in a handicapped parking spot. I’m not even sure I’m okay with all handicapped people parking in handicapped spot. I think there should be different levels of handicapped placards. if you became handicapped doing something incredibly stupid that had over a 50% chance of making you handicapped you have to park a little farther away and are not entitled to grade A premium parking space. We can sort out the details when I’m in congress. Now, again, I do not and would not park in a handicapped parking space but I love the handicapped stall at work…or in any public restroom. When I get to the men’s room and see it vacant I get a feeling of triumph! A feeling that things are really coing my way for the day. I’ll usually get comfortable and then send texts to friends to let them know about my good fortune. There’s a lot of leg-room and the rails on the wall give me a feeling of security. I’ve been lucky thus far…thus far I’ve not had a person in a wheelchair come in while I have been basking in my “big stall” glory. I’m not sure how I’d handle it…and apology while not making eye contact… perhaps a pronounced fake limp on the way out. I am not sure why I feel no remorse when using the Big Stall yet feel guilt about even considering the handicapped parking when i have to just run into the store for a second. Maybe it’s because “men’s room” time is the only part of my day I really look forward to and the benefits of the big stall far outweigh the negatives.

A-Z, 1-2-3: Fountains of Wayne

Posted: 15th November 2010 by ed in Blogs, Ed
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I can sum up my favorite musical genre in two words. Power Pop. I like a few chords, hand claps, sing-along choruses and layered vocal. Power Pop provides me with all these things wrapped up in a glossy package of sunshine.

Fountains of Wayne are among the best of the modern Power Poppers. They craft pop gems that are insanely catchy and infectious. The band is primarily Adam Schlesinger and Chris Collingwood, two pals who met in college, played together, separated and eventually reformed in the mid-90s to bring us FoW. Collingwood has some ties to MA as he was in the Mercy Buckets in Boston. I have no idea who they are…

FoW came to my attention in 1996 with their first single “Radiation Vibe”; most likely via Alternative Nation on MTV and/or WHFS.  I immediately picked up their self-titled debut and have been a fan ever since.  Even if you think you don;t know the band chances are you do.  Their biggest hit “Stacy’s Mom” most likely led people to believe that FoW were one-hit-wonders but their catalog begs to differ.  If, somehow, you never heard that maybe you saw That Thing You Do.  If so you heard Adam’s work in the song of the same title.  It got him an Oscar nomination.

Picking my 3 favorite FoW tunes feels like picking my favorite child (even though I have none).  It was tough but I went with the 3 that resonated with me for one reason or another.

Radiation Vibe – How could I not pick the song that made me fall in love with the band in the first place?  Vibe has that great guitar riff to kick things off, a great chorus and that great moment of distortion before kicking in.  This song is a must for any summer mix-tape. Or mix cd.  Or mp3 playlist.  Whatever you kids call it these days…

Red Dragon Tattoo – A song about one man’s dedication to earning a lady’s affection by getting a bitchin’ tattoo.  While some us might not have gone to this extreme I feel that anyone can relate to desperately trying to garner the attention of your object of desire.

Someone To Love  – From their last record (2007) this is a song for those of us who are (or were) owned by our jobs and are (were) struggling to find someone at the same time.  When you are getting your career started it can be hard to find the time to foster new relationships and even harder to take them to an intimate level.  Sometimes fate intervenes but you just miss it.